I have been doing extensive research on GTFS and GTFS-Realtime. All I want to be able to do, is find out how late a certain bus would be. I can't seem to find where I can connect to, to properly search for a specific bus number. So my questions are:
I've been trying to use http://www.yrt.ca/en/aboutus/GTFS.asp to download the file, but can't figure out how to open the csv file properly.
According to What is GTFS-realtime?, the GTFS-realtime data is not in CSV format. Instead, it is based on Protocol Buffers:
Data format
The GTFS-realtime data exchange format is based on Protocol Buffers.
Protocol buffers are a language- and platform-neutral mechanism for serializing structured data (think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler). The data structure is defined in a gtfs-realtime.proto file, which then is used to generate source code to easily read and write your structured data from and to a variety of data streams, using a variety of languages – e.g. Java, C++ or Python.