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yeoman - generator-angular -> watch bootstrap 3.1.1 scss changes


I've just installed yeoman and generator-angular. everything works like expected, but changes in bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/stylesheets/* won't be caught in grunt watch or grunt serve tasks. it's my first contact with bower and yeoman and I hope that this can be solved easily.

bootstrap.scss (imports all bootstrap scss files) is included in app/styles/main.scss witch will be converted to main.css in grunt watch task.

thank you for your help!


  • It is simple - just add this files to watch task in Gruntfile.js.

    But it is entirely bad idea - you should not edit files under bower_components directory.

    This files should be managed using bower, they are not even tracked by git and should not be(by default bower_components are in gitingore for this generator).

    If you need to override something: import original scss file, and override what you need.