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How to get the length of an integer in Java (Android)

So if I had the value 1234 the output should be 4.

I've written the following code, but don't know what I did wrong. This is an App, that adds two numbers. So I've got two EditTextfields. But if an EditTextfield is left blank, the App crashes. So I thought of assigning the value of 0 to an EditTextfield, that has been left blank, because it (should) have a character length of 0.

That should get the right results:

Example, if EditTextfield "firstnumET" holds a value of 5 and "secondnumET" is left blank:

5 + 0 = 5

The problem might be

private int firstnum;
private int secondnum;
private int total;

EditText firstnumET;
EditText secondnumET;
TextView ansTV;
Button button;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    firstnumET = (EditText) findViewById(;
    secondnumET = (EditText) findViewById(;
    ansTV = (TextView) findViewById(;
    button = (Button) findViewById(;

    button.setOnClickListener(new ClickButton());


    private class ClickButton implements Button.OnClickListener {

    public void onClick(View v) {

        firstnum = Integer.parseInt(firstnumET.getText().toString());
        secondnum = Integer.parseInt(secondnumET.getText().toString());

        int cache1 = Integer.toString(firstnum).length();
        int cache2 = Integer.toString(secondnum).length();
        if (cache1 == 0) {
        if (cache2 == 0) {

        total = firstnum + secondnum;



  • Too long for a comment, why don't you check your strings and then set them based on their length if they aren't empty.

    String firstString = firstnumET.getText().toString();
    firstNum = (firstString.trim().equals(""))? 0: firstString.length();
    String secondString = secondnumET.getText().toString();
    secondNum = (secondString.trim().equals(""))? 0: secondString.length();
    ansTV.setText(Integer.toString(firstNum + secondNum));

    You could obviously make it more complex than that, checking to make sure the string contains only numerical values so that you make sure you aren't getting the length of a non-numeric string.

    String.trim removes white space, this helps avoid an edit text filled with spaces.