i dont understand the problem with returning multiple rows:
here is my table BBC:
name region area population gdp
Afghanistan South Asia 652225 26000000
Albania Europe 28728 3200000 6656000000
Algeria Middle East 2400000 32900000 75012000000
Andorra Europe 468 64000
Angola Africa 1250000 14500000 14935000000
List the name and region of countries in the regions containing 'India', 'Iran'.
this is my statement:
select name from bbc where region = (select region from bbc where name='India' or name='Iran')
it returns:
sql: errorSubquery returns more than 1 row
whats wrong with my statement? the answer should be in the form of a select statement within a select statement
thank you!
This is because you are trying to compare region
to a table of values. Instead, try using in
select name
from bbc
where region in
(select region from bbc where name='India' or name='Iran')