My input data is a comma-enumerated list, e.g. "en,fr,es" for a set of languages I speak. I want my template to render it as a list using ul/li.
I have defined a helper function that can transform the "en,fr,es" into an array ["en", "fr", "es"] using the Javascript split.
can.stache.registerHelper('split_comma', function(str, options) {
return str.split(",");
But I cannot figure out how to make the template work?
Assuming the following context: { Language: "en,fr,es", languages: ["en", "fr", "es"] }
{{#each languages}} {{this}} and {{/each}}
returns the right stuff.
{{#each split_comma Language}} {{this}} and {{/each}}
does not return anything.
It seems that the helper function does not take precedence.
Am I missing something?
As far as I know this is not how Handlebars helpers work. What you probably want to do is to introduce a new section with the split_comma
helper that has the language array as the context:
can.stache.registerHelper('split_comma', function(str, options) {
return options.fn(str.split(","));
and then iterate over that:
{{#split_comma Language}}
{{#each .}} {{this}} and {{/each}}