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git: list remote changes

I have a git remote "mine" (happens to be a github fork) that has managed to get ahead by 2 commits. My local master branch is ahead of it by 244 commits (pulled from the original gitub repo). As a result, pushing to "mine" is not fast-forward.

How can I list the 2 commits by which "mine" is ahead?


  • Your question is a little unclear, but it sounds like you want to list the commits on the remote branch that don't exist in your local branch yet. This is simply accomplished using a commit range ..:

    # Get the most recent updates from the remote
    git fetch <remote>
    # List all commits that are in <remote>/<branch> but not in your local <branch>
    git log --oneline <branch>..<remote>/<branch>


    From the official Linux Kernel git log documentation:


    Show only commits between the named two commits. When either <since> or <until> is omitted, it defaults to HEAD, i.e. the tip of the current branch. For a more complete list of ways to spell <since> and <until>, see gitrevisions(7).

    See Also