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Python groupby doesn't work as expected

I am trying to read an excel spreadsheet that contains some columns in following format:


I've already saved values of one row as list of tuples, where is tuple is (column_name, column_value) in variable x.

Now I would like to group it like this:

result = { 
    'column__1': [list of (k,v) tuples, which keys start with 'column__1'],
    'column__2': [list of (k,v) tuples, which keys start with 'column__2']

But it doesn't give expected result:

>>> from itertools import groupby

>>> x
[(u'My field one__AccountName', u'Lorem ipsum bla bla bla'),
 (u'My field one__AccountNumber', u'1111111222255555'),
 (u'My field two__Num', u'Num: 612312345'),
 (u'My field two', u'asdasdafassda'),
 (u'My field three__Beneficiary International Bank Account Number IBAN',
 (u'My field one__BIC', u'BLEAHBLA1'),
 (u'My field three__company name', u'Company XYZ'),
 (u'My field two__BIC', u'ASDF333')]

>>> groups = groupby(x ,lambda (field, val): field.split('__')[0])

>>> grouped_fields = {key: list(val) for key, val in groups}

>>> grouped_fields

{u'My field one': [(u'My field one__BIC', u'BLEAHBLA1')],
 u'My field three': [(u'My field three__company name', u'Company XYZ')],
 u'My field two': [(u'My field two__BIC', u'ASDF333')]}

 >>> x[0]
(u'My field one__AccountName', u'Lorem ipsum bla bla bla')

>>> x[1]
(u'My field one__AccountNumber', u'1111111222255555')

>>> x[0][0].split('__')[0] == x[1][0].split('__')[0]

However it seems to work with another instance of initial list:

>>> y = [(u'x a b__2', 3), (u'x a b__', 1), (u'x a b__1', 2), (u'y a__1', 1), (u'y a__2', 2)]

>>> y
[(u'x__2', 3), (u'x__', 1), (u'x__1', 2), (u'y__1', 1), (u'y__2', 2)]

>>> groupes_y = groupby(y, lambda (k,v): k.split('__')[0])

>>> grouped_y = {key:list(val) for key, val in groupes_y}

>>> grouped_y

{u'x': [(u'x__2', 3), (u'x__', 1), (u'x__1', 2)],
 u'y': [(u'y__1', 1), (u'y__2', 2)]}

No idea what I am doing wrong.


  • As the docs say, you are supposed to apply groupby to a list which is already sorted using the same key as groupby itself:

    key = lambda fv: fv[0].split('__')[0]
    groups = groupby(sorted(x, key=key), key=key)

    Then grouped_fields is:

    {u'My field one': [(u'My field one__AccountName', u'Lorem ipsum bla bla bla'),
      (u'My field one__AccountNumber', u'1111111222255555'),
      (u'My field one__BIC', u'BLEAHBLA1')],
     u'My field three': [(u'My field three__Beneficiary International Bank Account Number IBAN',
      (u'My field three__company name', u'Company XYZ')],
     u'My field two': [(u'My field two__Num', u'Num: 612312345'),
      (u'My field two', u'asdasdafassda'),
      (u'My field two__BIC', u'ASDF333')]}

    In your second example, it happens that y is already sorted:

    >>> y == sorted(y, key=key)