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processing in iterations inside a MailboxProcessor, vs Seq.iter

Today I had an issue implementing some simple processing inside an iteration in a MailboxProcessor.

At first I tried to do the iteration with, but the code in the iteration was never called! Then I switched to using a Seq.iter for the iteration instead, and then the processing was done just fine...

type Agent<'Msg> = MailboxProcessor<'Msg>


let agent = 
    Agent.Start((fun agent -> 
                let rec loop = 
                    async { 
                        let! msg = agent.Receive()
                            match msg with
                            | SensorEvent(id, ts) -> 


                                [for x in connections.[id] -> x]
                                |> (fun light_id -> //Seq.iter works just fine here, doesn't!
                                    let publish = new Publish<SimulatorBroker.SimLightOffMsg>()
                                    publish.Message <- new SimulatorBroker.SimLightOffMsg(light_id, recom_ts)
                                    peer.Publish(box publish :?> IPublish<_>)
                                |> ignore
                                return! loop
                    loop), tokenSource.Token)

What I am puzzled about is why I couldn't use and now I am wondering if it get optimized away when it isn't assigned to anything?.. or if something else weird happens when you use inside a Mailboxprocessor..?

yes, I know Seq.iter is more appropriate for simple iterations that just return 'unit' anyways. But please forgive me, I am still learning ;).


  • is lazy. It is not evaluated until you ask for the elements of the sequence. You can do a Seq.toList after the map and it will force it. Seq.iter is strict, it goes through all the elements of the sequence.

    Try in FSI

    Seq.initInfinite id |> (fun x -> printfn "%A" x; x)


    Seq.initInfinite id |> Seq.iter (fun x -> printfn "%A" x)

    So in your case if you want to force the execution and ignore the result, Seq.iter is more appropriate.