I use SharePoint 2013, Managed MetaData Service to keep terms and related Navigation Links which are referenced my publishing pages.
For Example,
Page url -> Term -> Friendly URL
This is my plan and if I navigate the page manually with friendly url everything is fine. But I need to find friendly url by its referenced term something like that.
string friendlyurl = term.GetFriendlyUrl();
but there is not a property or etc like that to get this.
I solved this problem. Just need to find term under site collection term set like below
SPSite site = SPSite.Current.Site;
TaxonomySession servis = new TaxonomySession(site);
siteNavigationStore = servis.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore;
siteNavigationGroup = sitenavigationstore.GetSiteCollectionGroup(site);
siteNavigationSet = sitenavigationgrup.TermSets["Term Set Name"];
NavigationTerm navigatedTerm = NavigationTerm.GetAsResolvedByWeb(navigationterm, site.RootWeb, StandardNavigationProviderNames.GlobalNavigationTaxonomyProvider);
You can find friendlu URL like