I am working on creating self extracting shell script on Open SuSE. I am referencing this link. My code is shown below -
function die ()
{ echo "Error!";
exit 1 ;
echo Extracting...
# Script will need to find where is the archive. So search for "ARCHIVE" in this script and
# save the line number
archive=$(grep --text --line-number 'ARCHIVE:$' $0)
echo $archive
tail -n +$((archive + 1)) $0 | gzip -vdc - | tar -xvf - > /dev/null || die
echo Extraction completed
exit 0
After I executed above script I got below output. Which I think is incorrect and causing error.
./symhelp_self_extract.sh: line 16: 22:ARCHIVE:: syntax error in expression (error token is ":ARCHIVE:")
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Can anyone will explain what syntax error is this?
If you need the line number:
archive=$(grep --text --line-number 'ARCHIVE:$' "$0")
archive=$(awk '/ARCHIVE:$/{print NR; exit}' "$0")
The cause of your problem was that you were trying to do arithmetic on something that's not a number:
$((archive + 1)) ## here $archive = 22:ARCHIVE: before
Always quote your variables as well:
archive=$(grep --text --line-number 'ARCHIVE:$' "$0")
tail -n "+$((archive + 1))" "$0"
With awk you'd get a simpler approach:
awk -v r='ARCHIVE:$' '!p && $0 ~ r { p = 1; getline } p' "$0" | gzip -vdc - | tar -xvf - > /dev/null || die