I have a website where a text is hard coded right now. I want the text to be picked up from a properties file now.
<g:HTMLPanel ui:field="info">
We should only remarket every 3 years unless agreed with Placement team otherwise, as per <a href="http://ke.aon.com.au/aon_risk_solutions/products_and_facilities/middle_market_business/what_is_new.asp#p3">Remarketing rules on the KE</a>.<br/>
A minimum of 4 insurers should be selected when remarketing, up to a maximum of 7. <br/>
Deselection reasons:<br/>
• Renewing with existing Vertex Insurer (this would be used for Vertex renewals and would be the default for non-holding Insurers)<br/>
• Agreement reached outside platform by Placement team (used where open market business is negotiated prior to placement on the platform)<br/>
InfoItem is a Ui Binder class . I want this text to be read from the properties file.
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