I have a list that I am trying to get a false return on if it contains any letters. When I get to the list that is as follows:
list = ['1', '+', 'b1']
I try to run
any(characters.isalpha() for characters in list)
but it is returning False, even though list[2] clearly contains a letter.
So I tried to do the following, thinking that I might not have properly iterated over each item in list:
for characters in list:
any(characters.isalpha() for char in characters)
which returns
I'm at a loss for how to get the program to pick up that there is a letter and return True for a query about whether list contains any letters. If you could help me figure the answer to that I would greatly appreciate it.
You need another for ... in ...
clause to iterate over each character in each string:
>>> lst = ['1', '+', 'b1']
>>> any(char.isalpha() for string in lst for char in string)
for char in string
takes each string returned by for string in lst
and iterates over its characters.