I'd like to create a new post simply by clicking a link. When I create this button, I get an error (below):
<%= link_to 'Create That Post', {
controller: 'posts',
action: 'create',
user_id: '123',
title: 'Test Create a Post'
method: 'post',
class: "btn btn-sm btn-success instagramBtn",
id: "createPostBtn"
param is missing or the value is empty: post
def post_params
params.require(:post).permit( # Error points to this line.
This error seems reasonable, since the params being passed in are not in a post
hash, like post[title]
. Am I setting up the params wrong when I do my <%= link_to ... %>
If you are not using the post params and the params can't change, don't use strong params. Just catch the content of the params you need and create the post.
def new_post_from_button
@post = Post.create(user_id: params[:user_id], title: params[:title])
As an alternative just remove the .require from the permits method.
def fixed_strong_params
params.permit(:user_id, :title)