Search code examples

How can I save PHP arrays to a MySQL database so that I can search through the arrays on the database?

I'm trying to build a searchable database of the languages spoken by my users.

For example I might have

$john = array("english", "french", "spanish");
$jack = array("french", "spanish");
$jill = array("english", "spanish");

And I want to save them to a MySQL database so that I can later run something along the lines of (pseudo code)

SELECT * FROM users WHERE spoken_languages = "french" and "spanish"

I know if I had speaks_english, speaks_french, and speaks_spanish columns then I could search for

SELECT * FROM users WHERE speaks_french = "true" and speaks_spanish = "true"

But the scalability of adding a new column every time I encounter a new language is not very good. I've considered a table such as

john | english
john | french
john | spanish
jack | french
jack | spanish
jill | english
jill | spanish

Because at least then to get back languages spoken by a user I could just run

SELECT * FROM spoken_languages WHERE user = "jack"

But in order to search this for people that speak both french and spanish I would need to query for all of the users that speak french, all of the users that speak spanish and then calculate the intersections. That seems horribly inefficient.

So I ask you, how can I save this array of spoken languages so that I can search the database later without destroying the server?


  • You have the right solution in your question, with the person_language table that looks like this

    john | english
    john | french
    jack | spanish

    You can query it like so.

    SELECT person
      FROM person_language
     WHERE language IN ( 'english', 'spanish')
     GROUP BY person
    HAVING COUNT(*) = 2

    Put an index on (language, person) and this will scale up fine.

    If you want everybody who speaks Spanish and at least one other language you can do this.

     SELECT a.person
       FROM person_language AS a
       JOIN ( SELECT person
                FROM person_language
               GROUP BY person
              HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
            ) AS b ON a.person = b.person
      WHERE a.language = 'spanish'

    This uses a JOIN directive to take the intersection of the people who speak spanish with the people who speak two or more languages.