Decided to use Apache's Common Configuration package to parse an XML File.
I decided to do a:
XMLConfiguration xmlConfig = new XMLConfiguration(file);
To which Eclipse complained that I haven't caught an exception(Unhandled exception type ConfigurationException
), so I hit the trusty surround with try/catch
and it added the following code:
XMLConfiguration xmlConfig = new XMLConfiguration(file);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
However now it's complaining:
No exception of type ConfigurationException can be thrown; an exception type
must be a subclass of Throwable
I don't understand why it's gave me that error when Eclipse is the one that suggested to add it.
extends org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException
Do you have Commons Lang on your path also? If not, Eclipse will fail to resolve the ConfigurationException
class, and you'll get that error.