How do i write such a statement in Laravel Model class
SELECT * from video where view=(select max(view) from video)
$query = DB::table('video')->select('*');
$alldetails = $query->addSelect('max(view)')->get();
I intend selecting all the attribute of the video with the maximum amount of views
My Model
class Video extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
protected $table = 'video';
public static function feature(){
$query = DB::table('video')->select('*');
$alldetails = $query->addSelect('max(view)')->get();
return $alldetails;
My Controller
class HomeController extends BaseController {
public function home(){
return View::make('frontend/index')
->with("title","Kromatik Multimedia")
My View
@foreach($feature as $fet)
Create a model like this:
class Video extends Eloquent {
// Laravel expects the table name "videos"
// for Video model so need to specify here
// because you didn't follow that convention
protected $table = 'video';
From your controller call something like this:
class HomeController extends BaseController {
public function home()
// Get the Video model with maximum views; assumed that,
// view field contains numeric number, i.e. 2 (two views)
$featured = Video::orderBy('view', 'desc')->first();
// Load the "index.blade.php" view from "views/frontend" folder
return View::make('frontend.index')->with('video', $featured);
In the view
(No need to loop because only one model is passed):
{{ $video->title }}
{{ $video->genre }}