I'm trying to mimic methods.grep
from Ruby which simply returns a list of available methods for any object (class or instance) called upon, filtered by regexp pattern passed to grep
Very handy for investigating objects in an interactive prompt.
def methods_grep(self, pattern):
""" returns list of object's method by a regexp pattern """
from re import search
return [meth_name for meth_name in dir(self) \
if search(pattern, meth_name)]
Because of Python's limitation not quite clear to me it unfortunately can't be simply inserted in the object
class ancestor:
object.mgrep = classmethod(methods_grep)
# TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'object'
Is there some workaround how to inject all classes or do I have to stick with a global function like dir
There is a module called forbiddenfruit
that enables you to patch built-in objects. It also allows you to reverse the changes. You can find it here https://pypi.python.org/pypi/forbiddenfruit/0.1.1
from forbiddenfruit import curse
curse(object, "methods_grep", classmethod(methods_grep))
Of course, using this in production code is likely a bad idea.