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How to start using Telerik in asp.Net MVC

I want to try Telerik in my C# asp.MVC project. I downloaded and installed the Telerik for MVC and a new Telerik menu option shows in my Visual Studio 2010.

Now, I've searched for a while but I didn't find a step by step help on how to actually start using the Telerik controls.

Can someone help?

I took a look at this for a simple button but in my cshtml page the @Html.Kendo isn't recognized. I think that managing to use a simple button will allow me to use any other control.



  • OK, got the answer. I'm posting it here since it seems like others may benefit from it.

    As @ken2k mentioned, in order to use the Telerik controls, developers must add references, include css and js, etc. However, that's theory and not practice. Furthermore, that's not enough as some other steps must be taken.

    After stumbling for a while, I found the solution step by step, as I wanted (and assume any first time users want) in the link below.

    Thanks anyway to all helpers.