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How to extend multiple elements with Polymer

I know there is this question on multiple inheritance/composition. However, it seems like this question is more about how to reuse functionality from multiple existing elements in other elements. And obviously, the solution for that are mixins.

I would like to know, how I can actually "decorate" existing elements without really borrow functionality from them. We know there is this extends property one can use to extend an existing element with Polymer.

So making a normal <button> behave like a mega-button is as simple as attaching <button is="mega-button"> and write a component for it. But it turns out, that it's not possible to extend multiple elements. So something like extends="foo bar" doesn't work. What if I want to build a web component, that can actually be applied to different elements?

For example, I don't want to only extend <button> elements with mega-button but probably also an <a> element so that it looks like and behaves like a mega-button too?

The mixin approach doesn't really help here (as far as I get it), because they do nothing more then providing shared logic for different web components. That means, you create multiple components, and reuse logic (packed in a mixin) from a mixin.

What I need is a way to create one web component that can be applied to multiple elements.

Any idea how to solve that?


Addy answered with some approaches to handle that use case. Here's a follow up question based on one approach

How to find out what element is going to be extended, while registering my own in Polymer

And another one on Is it possible to share mixins across web components (and imports) in Polymer?


I've written an article and concludes my experiences and learnings about inheritance and composition with polymer:


  • If you need to have just a single import that has support for being applied to multiple elements, your element could include multiple element definitions which may or may not take advantage of Polymer.mixin in order to share functionality between your decorating elements.

    So pascal-decorator.html could contain Polymer element definitions for <pascal-span> and <pascal-button>, both of which mixin logic from some object defined within pascal-decorator.html. You can then do <button is="pascal-button"> and <button is="pascal-span"> whilst the logic for doing so remains inside the same import.

    The alternative (if you strictly want to do this all in one custom element, which imo, makes this less clean) is to do something like checking against the type of element being extended, which could either be done in the manner you linked to or by checking as part of your element registration process.

    In general, I personally prefer to figure out what logic I may need to share between elements that could be decorated, isolate that functionality into an element and then just import them into dedicated elements that have knowledge about the tag (e.g <addy-button>, <addy-video> etc).