I want to know the position of the iBeacons when the user its near by. i am using the estimote device.
i am able to get the distance within the iBeacons. but How to calculate the position. Please check the below image.
This is the screenshot from the estimote application.
Note : i have put my iBeacon device to the estiomote application. they detect the movement of the iBeacons. so how they do it?
This is Wojtek Borowicz, I'm a community evangelist at Estimote.
The beacons do not broadcast their position with X and Y values. They only transmit their ID, sensor data, and information about signal power, based on which the proximity is calculated. The only way to include long/lat and associate it with beacons in your app is to either hardocde their location into the app or fetch it from a database in the cloud.
The radar sceen in the Estimote mobile app doesn't show the location of the beacon. The app does not determine the direction from which the signal is coming, only the proximity. The visual representation is simply an UI thing, to help visualize the idea behind this technology.