So I have another "simple" Adga question. I wanted to have a proof that used arbitrary evaluations as premises and results. But I don't think I know the type system well enough to do that.
as a simple example take
f : {S : Set} -> (a : S)
-> ( R : S -> Set)
-> (R a)
f aa rr = rr aa
which has a compilation error
Set !=< rr aa of type Set1
when checking that the expression rr aa has type rr aa
of course
f : {S : Set} -> (a : S)
-> ( R : S -> Set)
-> Set
f aa rr = rr aa
compiles fine
as does
f : {S : Set} -> (a : S)
-> ( R : S -> Set)
-> (R a)
-> (R a)
f _ _ ra = ra
What does (R a)
means in context? Can it be constructed? How can it be constructed?
In your first example the expression rr aa
has type Set
, because it is the result of the application of aa
of type S
to the function rr
of type S -> Set
The type signature of your function demands a result type of R a
though. Given the naming of your parameters the expected result type is rr aa
. The type checker now tries to unify the expected type (rr aa
) with the expression type (Set
) and fails.
In fact a function of the type given above would be inconsistent with the type theory:
no-f : (f : {S : Set} → (a : S) → (R : S → Set) → R a) → ⊥
no-f f = f tt (λ _ → ⊥)
In other words, assuming there was a function of the type above, an element of the empty type (⊥) could be produced. So in general you cannot construct elements of type R a
without additional requirements.
Imports used above:
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit