I have this query
SELECT 1 as row, array_agg(id) as ids FROM users GROUP BY row;
row | ids
1 {1,2,3,4}
I have a lot more results that can't fit in one row...so I'm trying to build a query that does this:
row | ids
1 {1,3,4,5}
2 {4,6,9,20}
3 {21,24,26,30}
I want to limit the ids to say 50 per row with as many rows as possible. How can I accomplish this?
row_number() over()
returns the row number. Then just do a subquery to group them together. Change 4
to the number you actually want
select a.r, array_agg(a.id) ids
from (
select (row_number() over()-1)/4 r, id
from users) a
group by a.r;