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iOS: why does overriding drawRect resort to software rendering?

Im not a huge fan of iOS graphics APIs and their documentation and have been trying for a while now to form a high level view and structure of the rendering process but only have bits and pieces of information. Essentially, I am trying to understand (again, in high level);

1) The role of Coregraphics and CoreAnimation APIs in the rendering pipeline all the way from CGContext to the front frame buffer.

2) And along the way(this is has been the most confusing and least elaborate in the documentation), which tasks are performed by the CPU and GPU.

With Swift and Metal out, I'm hoping the APIs would be revisited.


  • 1) The role of Coregraphics and CoreAnimation APIs in the rendering pipeline all the way from CGContext to the front frame buffer.

    Core Graphics is a drawing library that implements the same primitives as PDF or PostScript. So you feed it bitmaps and various types of path and it produces pixels.

    Core Animation is a compositor. It produces the screen display by compositing buffers (known as layers) from video memory. While compositing it may apply a transform, moving, rotating, adding perspective or doing something else to each layer. It also has a timed animation subsystem that can make timed adjustments to any part of that transform without further programmatic intervention.

    UIKit wires things up so that you use CoreGraphics to draw the contents of your view to a layer whenever the contents themselves change. That primarily involves the CPU. For things like animations and transitions you then usually end up applying or scheduling compositing adjustments. So that primarily involves the GPU.

    2) And along the way(this is has been the most confusing and least elaborate in the documentation), which tasks are performed by the CPU and GPU.

    Individual layer drawing: CPU

    Transforming and compositing layers to build up the display: GPU

    iOS: why does overriding drawRect resort to software rendering?

    It doesn't 'resort' to anything. The exact same pipeline is applied whether you wrote the relevant drawRect: or Apple did.

    With Swift and Metal out, I'm hoping the APIs would be revisited.

    Swift and Metal are completely orthogonal to this issue. The APIs are very well formed and highly respected. Your issues with them are — as you freely recognise — lack of understanding. There is no need to revisit them and Apple has given no indication that it will be doing so.