Applicative m, Monad m => mf :: m (a -> b), ma :: m a
it seems to be considered a law that:
mf <*> ma === do { f <- mf; a <- ma; return (f a) }
or more concisely:
(<*>) === ap
The documentation for Control.Applicative
says that <*>
is "sequential application," and that suggests that (<*>) = ap
. This means that <*>
must evaluate effects sequentially from left to right, for consistency with >>=
... But that feels wrong. McBride and Paterson's original paper seems to imply that the left-to-right sequencing is arbitrary:
The IO monad, and indeed any Monad, can be made Applicative by taking
. We could alternatively use the variant ofap
that performs the computations in the opposite order, but we shall keep to the left-to-right order in this paper.
So there are two lawful, non-trivial derivations for <*>
that follow from >>=
and return
, with distinct behavior. And in some cases, neither of these two derivations are desirable.
For example, the (<*>) === ap
law forces Data.Validation to define two distinct data types: Validation
and AccValidation
. The former has a Monad
instance similar to ExceptT, and a consistent Applicative
instance which is of limited utility, since it stops after the first error. The latter, on the other hand, doesn't define a Monad
instance, and is therefore free to implement an Applicative
that, much more usefully, accumulates errors.
There's been some discussion about this previously on StackOverflow, but I don't think it really got to the meat of the question:
The other laws for functors, applicatives and monads—such as identity, associativity, etc.—express some fundamental, mathematical properties of those structures. We can implement various optimizations using these laws and prove things about our own code using them. In contrast, it feels to me like the (<*>) === ap
law imposes an arbitrary constraint with no corresponding benefit.
For what it's worth, I'd prefer to ditch the law in favor of something like this:
newtype LeftA m a = LeftA (m a)
instance Monad m => Applicative (LeftA m) where
pure = return
mf <*> ma = do { f <- mf; a <- ma; return (f a) }
newtype RightA m a = RightA (m a)
instance Monad m => Applicative (RightA m) where
pure = return
mf <*> ma = do { a <- ma; f <- mf; return (f a) }
I think that correctly captures the relationship between the two, without unduly constraining either.
So, a few angles to approach the question from:
and Applicative
in the same way that they do for Monad
?And one bonus question:
and MonadPlus
fit in to all this?Note: major edit to clarify the meat of the question. Answer posted by @duplode quotes an earlier version.
Well, I'm not terribly satisfied with the answers given so far, but I think the comments attached to them are a bit more compelling. So I'll summarize here:
I think there's only one sensible Functor
instance that follows from Applicative
fmap f fa = pure f <*> fa
Assuming that's unique, it makes sense that Functor
should be a superclass of Applicative
, with that law. Likewise, I think there's only one sensible Functor
instance that follows from Monad
fmap f fa = fa >>= return . f
So again, it makes sense that Functor
should be a superclass of Monad
. The objection I had (and, really, still have) is that there are two sensible Applicative
instances that follow from Monad
and, in some specific instances, even more that are lawful; so why mandate one?
pigworker (first author on the original Applicative
paper) writes:
"Of course it doesn't follow. It's a choice."
(on twitter): "do-notation is unjust punishment for working in a monad; we deserve applicative notation"
duplode similarly writes:
"... it is fair to say that
pure === return
and(<*>) === ap
aren't laws in the strong sense that e.g. the monad laws are so ...""On the
idea: there are comparable cases elsewhere in the standard libraries (e.g.Sum
). The problem of doing the same withApplicative
is that the power-to-weight relation is too low to justify the extra precision/flexibility. The newtypes would make applicative style a lot less pleasant to use."
So, I'm happy to see that choice stated explicitly, justified by the simple reasoning that it makes the most common cases easier.