I'm wondering if I can somehow use an x, y pair as the key to my dictionary
let activeSquares = Dictionary <(x: Int, y: Int), SKShapeNode>()
But I get the error:
Cannot convert the expression's type '<<error type>>' to type '$T1'
and the error:
Type '(x: Int, y: Int)?' does not conform to protocol 'Hashable'
So.. how can we make it conform?
The definition for Dictionary
is struct Dictionary<KeyType : Hashable, ValueType> : ...
, i.e. the type of the key must conform to the protocol Hashable
. But the language guide tells us that protocols can be adopted by classes, structs and enums, i.e. not by tuples. Therefore, tuples cannot be used as Dictionary
A workaround would be defining a hashable struct type containing two Ints (or whatever you want to put in your tuple).