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applying different expression for ng-class

Hi I'm trying to change the color of a button based on the value of this variable: $scope.order.orderwindow.invoicedata.

I'm changing the expression in ng-class to do this. However, right now it's not changing despite my watch function.


 .directive('invoicetypewatch', function() {
      return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
    // change styling of button depending on if id is null or not

    scope.$watch('order.orderwindow.invoicedata', function() {

      if(!=null) {       
    scope.invoice_delete_type_button_styling={"btn btn-danger btn-block":true};

        scope.invoice_delete_type_button_styling={"btn btn-danger btn-block":false};



 <div class="col-lg-4" invoicetypewatch>
<button ng-class="{{invoice_delete_type_button_styling}}" ng-click="delete(invoice_delete_type_button,">{{invoice_delete_type_button}}</button>


  • I think you just need to assign the class in the directive - no need for the map object:

        if(!=null) {       
           scope.invoice_delete_type_button_styling="btn btn-danger btn-block";
             scope.invoice_delete_type_button_styling="btn btn-success";

    Then just use that scope variable in ng-class without the {{}} since ng-class evaluates whatever is passed in

      <button ng-class="invoice_delete_type_button_styling"

    You do not need {{}} for ng-class because it already takes an expression or a string. You would use {{}} if you were just using class it would be evaluated

     <button class="{{invoice_delete_type_button_styling}}"