I'm trying to set up three waypoints with offset positions, the first waypoint is working absolutely fine and firing in the correct offset position (75%), but the second and third waypoints, located just after a Flexslider Carousel are not firing at the correct offset position. Due to the Carousel changing the height dimension of the page the second and third waypoints are firing once scrolled a lot further down the page then required, hence increasing the actual offset location.
I have tried to call $.waypoints('refresh')
but I am not having any lucky. My code is as follows.
// first-flexslider
$(window).load(function() {
animation: "slide",
directionNav: false,
controlNav: true,
// second-flexslider
$(window).load(function() {
animation: "slide",
directionNav: false,
controlNav: false,
$('.prev, .next').on('click', function() {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
// waypoints
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.wp1').waypoint(function() {
$('.wp1').addClass('animated fadeInUp');
}, {
offset: '75%'
$('.wp2').waypoint(function() {
$('.wp2').addClass('animated fadeInUp');
}, {
offset: '75%'
$('.wp3').waypoint(function() {
$('.wp3').addClass('animated fadeInUpD');
}, {
offset: '75%'
I'm hoping to find out how to overcome this problem and have the 2nd and 3rd waypoints fire at the correct offset position (75%). Please let me know if you require any more information. Thanks.
Flexslider has a callback API where you can execute functions after various actions: https://github.com/woothemes/FlexSlider/wiki/FlexSlider-Properties
I would check out the after
callback and possibly the start
callback and call refresh from there. For example:
animation: "slide",
directionNav: false,
controlNav: false,
after: function() {