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How to specify 2 attributes with input_html in simple_form 2.x?

In a Rails app, we would like to specify both rows and value for a text column in simple form. It is easy to do with one:

<%=f.input :column, :input_html => {:rows => 5}%>
<%=f.input :column, :input_html => {:value => 'abc'}%>

We tried the following for 2 attributes:

<%=f.input :column, :input_html => {:rows => 5, :value => 'abc' }%>

Only the :value works and there is only single row instead of 5. The following causes syntax error:

<%=f.input :column, :input_html => {{:rows => 5}, {:value => 'abc' }}%>

What's the right way to specify 2 attributes in input_html? Or it is not achievable?

UPDATE: Here is the html source for the text column:

<div class="input string optional onboard_engine_config_argument_value"><label class="string optional control-label" for="onboard_engine_config_argument_value">变量值</label><input class="string optional span12" id="onboard_engine_config_argument_value" name="onboard_engine_config[argument_value]" rows="5" size="50" type="text" value=" ....."</div>

The value = "..." is a extremely long text which is a html.erb file and is displayed not in its original order. We are trying to make it displayed in its original order.


  • The reason it doesn't seem to work is because simple_form generates an input instead of a textarea. To force it to render a textarea do it like this.

    <%= input :column, input_html: { rows: 4, value: "some long text"}, as: :text %>

    The as: :text part forces it to render a textarea.