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Mergesort pThread implementation taking same time as single-threaded

(I have tried to simplify this as much as i could to find out where I'm doing something wrong.)

The ideea of the code is that I have a global array *v (I hope using this array isn't slowing things down, the threads should never acces the same value because they all work on different ranges) and I try to create 2 threads each one sorting the first half, respectively the second half by calling the function merge_sort() with the respective parameters.

On the threaded run, i see the process going to 80-100% cpu usage (on dual core cpu) while on the no threads run it only stays at 50% yet the run times are very close.

This is the (relevant) code:

//These are the 2 sorting functions, each thread will call merge_sort(..). Is this a problem? both threads calling same (normal) function?

void merge (int *v, int start, int middle, int end) {
    //dynamically creates 2 new arrays for the v[start..middle] and v[middle+1..end]
    //copies the original values into the 2 halves
    //then sorts them back into the v array

void merge_sort (int *v, int start, int end) {
    //recursively calls merge_sort(start, (start+end)/2) and merge_sort((start+end)/2+1, end) to sort them
    //calls merge(start, middle, end) 

//here i'm expecting each thread to be created and to call merge_sort on its specific range (this is a simplified version of the original code to find the bug easier)

void* mergesort_t2(void * arg) {
    t_data* th_info = (t_data*)arg;
    merge_sort(v, th_info->a, th_info->b);
    return (void*)0;

//in main I simply create 2 threads calling the above function

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    //some stuff

    //getting the clock to calculate run time
    clock_t t_inceput, t_sfarsit;
    t_inceput = clock();

    //ignore crt_depth for this example (in the full code i'm recursively creating new threads and i need this to know when to stop)
    //the a and b are the range of values the created thread will have to sort
    pthread_t thread[2];
    t_data next_info[2];
    next_info[0].crt_depth = 1;
    next_info[0].a = 0;
    next_info[0].b = n/2;
    next_info[1].crt_depth = 1;
    next_info[1].a = n/2+1;
    next_info[1].b = n-1;

    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
        if (pthread_create (&thread[i], NULL, &mergesort_t2, &next_info[i]) != 0) {
            return err;

    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
        if (pthread_join(thread[i], &status) != 0) {
            return err;

    //now i merge the 2 sorted halves
    merge(v, 0, n/2, n-1);

    //calculate end time
    t_sfarsit = clock();

    cout<<"Sort time (s): "<<double(t_sfarsit - t_inceput)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<endl;
    delete [] v;

Output (on 1 million values):

Sort time (s): 1.294

Output with direct calling of merge_sort, no threads:

Sort time (s): 1.388

Output (on 10 million values):

Sort time (s): 12.75

Output with direct calling of merge_sort, no threads:

Sort time (s): 13.838


I'd like to thank WhozCraig and Adam too as they've hinted to this from the beginning.

I've used the inplace_merge(..) function instead of my own and the program run times are as they should now.

Here's my initial merge function (not really sure if the initial, i've probably modified it a few times since, also array indices might be wrong right now, i went back and forth between [a,b] and [a,b), this was just the last commented-out version):

void merge (int *v, int a, int m, int c) { //sorts v[a,m] - v[m+1,c] in v[a,c]

    //create the 2 new arrays
    int *st = new int[m-a+1];
    int *dr = new int[c-m+1];
    //copy the values
    for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= m-a; i1++)
        st[i1] = v[a+i1];
    for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= c-(m+1); i2++)
        dr[i2] = v[m+1+i2];

    //merge them back together in sorted order
    int is=0, id=0;
    for (int i=0; i<=c-a; i++)  {
        if (id+m+1 > c || (a+is <= m && st[is] <= dr[id])) {
            v[a+i] = st[is];
        else {
            v[a+i] = dr[id];
    delete st, dr;

all this was replaced with:

inplace_merge(v+a, v+m, v+c);

Edit, some times on my 3ghz dual core cpu:

1 million values: 1 thread : 7.236 s 2 threads: 4.622 s 4 threads: 4.692 s

10 million values: 1 thread : 82.034 s 2 threads: 46.189 s 4 threads: 47.36 s


  • There's one thing that struck me: "dynamically creates 2 new arrays[...]". Since both threads will need memory from the system, they need to acquire a lock for that, which could well be your bottleneck. In particular the idea of doing microscopic array allocations sounds horribly inefficient. Someone suggested an in-place sort that doesn't need any additional storage, which is much better for performance.

    Another thing is the often-forgotten starting half-sentence for any big-O complexity measurements: "There is an n0 so that for all n>n0...". In other words, maybe you haven't reached n0 yet? I recently saw a video (hopefully someone else will remember it) where some people tried to determine this limit for some algorithms, and their results were that these limits are surprisingly high.