BaseControllerTest.PrepareController is enough for controller properties setup, such as PropertyBag and Context
public ProjectsControllerTest : BaseControllerTest
public void List()
// Setup
var controller = new ProjectsController();
// Asserts ...
But now to run the entire pipeline for integration testing, including filters declared in action attributes?
EDIT: I'm not interested in view rendering, just the controller logic along with declarative filters.
I like the idea of moving significant amount of view setup logic into action filters, and i'm not sure if i need extra level of integration tests, or is it better done with Selenium?
you can get a hold of the filters, and run them.
so, assuming action
is Action<YourController>
, and controller
is an instance of the controller under test,
var filtersAttributes = GetFiltersFor(controller); // say by reflecting over its attributes
var filters = filtersAttributes
.OrderBy(attr => attr.ExecutionOrder)
.Select(attr => new { Attribute = attr, Instance =
(IFilter)Container.Resolve(attr.FilterType) }); // assuming you use IoC, otherwise simply new the filter type with Activator.CreateInstance or something
Action<ExecuteWhen> runFilters = when =>
// TODO: support IFilterAttributeAware filters
foreach (var filter in filters)
if ((filter.Attribute.When & when) != 0)
filter.Instance.Perform(when, Context, controller, controllerContext);
// Perform the controller action, including the before- and after-filters
Getting the view-engine to play is trickier (though possible), but I think that testing generated views along with the controller logic is involving way too many moving and incur unjustified maintenance effort