Suppose i have numeric string. I would like to remove all the trailing zeros and also the decimal point if necessary. For example -
'0.5' -> '.5'
'0005.00' -> '5'
I used this method :
s.strip("0") # where 's' contains the numeric string.
But for the 0005.00
, it returns 5.
, so how would i remove the decimal point if necessary.
To achieve this you could write a little function
def dostuff(s):
s = s.strip('0')
if len(s) > 0 and s[-1] == '.':
s = s[:-1]
return s
This strips all the 0
s and if a .
was found and it was at the end of the string (meaning its the decimal point and nothing follows it) it will strip that too using [s:-1]
(this strips the last character).
gets the last character of the string. With this we can check if .
is the last character.
This may be achieved with less code using a regex, but I think this is easier to follow
>>> print dostuff('5.0')
>>> print dostuff('005.00')
>>> print dostuff('.500')
>>> print dostuff('.580')
>>> print dostuff('5.80')