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How to find the installed apps in google glass?

I started developing helloworld sample application for Google glass and followed all the similar steps as mentioned in the link and builded the application successfully . But unfortunately i couldn't able to find the installed application in the google glass device since i am a newbie to glass development. Kindly help me how to check the list of apps installed in the device. Thank you.


  • If the application wasn't built properly for Glass (With a voice trigger and the development permission needed if using a custom voice trigger) it will install but you won't see it in the list of apps on the device, you can see more info in the link below:

    Why is my voice command missing from the ok glass menu in XE16?

    There is currently no way for a user to view installed apps on Glass except using the main menu (Either by saying "OK Glass" or tapping to see the menu)

    You can launch the activity using:

    adb am start -n yourpackagename/.activityname

    You can also try and use Launchy by Mike DiGiovanni which allows you to start native apps using the Glass interface