I have my dll project
// .h
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C"
void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall sort(int* vect, int size);
#include "stdafx.h"
void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall sort(int* vect, int size)
And I have my console project:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Pointer to the sort function defined in the dll. */
typedef void (__stdcall *p_sort)(int*, int);
int _tmain(int argc, LPTSTR argv[])
p_sort sort;
HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibrary("dllproj.dll");
if (!hGetProcIDDLL)
printf("Could not load the dynamic library\n");
sort = (p_sort)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "sort");
if (!sort)
printf("Could not locate the function %d\n", GetLastError());
sort(NULL, 0);
return 0;
The problem is that my function sort colud not be located, that is the function GetProcAddress
always returns NULL
Why? How can i fix it?
EDIT: using __cdecl
(in the dll project instead of __stdcall
) and Dependency Walker
as suggested:
I also changed the following (in my main), but it still doesn't work.
typedef void (__cdecl *p_sort)(int*, int);
The function is exported with a decorated name. For debugging purposes, when faced with such a situation, use dumpbin
or Dependency Walker to find out what that name is. I predict it will be: _sort@8
. The documentation for the __stdcall
calling convention gives decoration rules as follows:
Name-decoration convention: An underscore (_) is prefixed to the name. The name is followed by the at sign (@) followed by the number of bytes (in decimal) in the argument list. Therefore, the function declared as
int func( int a, double b )
is decorated as follows:_func@12
You'll have to do one of the following:
to avoid the decoration.