i use the tx_news Extension and i need a absolute url to a single news.
The <n:link [...] />
build a correct link to an single news, but it's not a absolute link.
This don't working:
<n:link newsItem="{newsItem}" settings="{settings}" uriOnly="1" absloute="1" />
And with <f:uri.page absolute="1" />
i can't link to a single newsitem.
But i don't find any other way to build me a absolute link to a single news. Maybe have someone a little resolution for this problem?
I need this for the RSS-Page for link to newsitems.
As stated in reference document this viewhelper gets optional configuration
param which allows to pass an array of typolink
<n:link newsItem="{newsItem}" settings="{settings}" uriOnly="1" configuration="{forceAbsoluteUrl:1}"/>