I have a idl which contains a simple interface definition:
library DecoToniCfgLib
helpstring("DecoToniConfig Interface"),
interface IDecoToniConfig : IDispatch
[id(1), helpstring("Opens the Tones config and returns the params")]
HRESULT OpenToneConfigWindow([out, retval] TCodecParams* pVal);
[id(2), helpstring("Opens the Tones config and returns the params in an array form")]
HRESULT OpenToneConfigWindowArray([out, retval] SAFEARRAY(float)* pVal);
[id(3), helpstring("Opens the masks config window")]
HRESULT OpenMaskConfigWindow([out, retval] SAFEARRAY(TMask)* pVal);
I add to it a method which returns a SAFEARRAY(float), but when I run TlbImp to create the import library for managed code I get:
TlbImp : error TI1036 : Cannot find 'System.Single[] OpenToneConfigWindowArray()'
in 'DecoToniCfgLib.IDecoToniConfig' when implementing 'DecoToniCfgLib.IDecoToniConfig'
in 'interop.DecoToniConfigLib.DecoToniConfigClass'
from 'interop.DecoToniConfigLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Where could be the problem?
Maybe I have to reference something? If so...how can I do?
When I run
tlbimp.exe DecoToniConfigLib.dll /out:interop.DecoToniConfigLib.dll
It creates two files: DecoToniCfgLib.dll (the library defined into IDL) and interop.DecoToniConfigLib.dll
The @hans-passant comment lights a lamp in my head and I delete these two file before run the tlbimp again...and It works.