I am trying to get the full path from an image I am uploading with the rails file_field helper.
%h4 Upload Image
=label_tag "Upload Image"
=form_tag(controller:"images", :html => {:multipart => true}) do
=select("app", "app", ["#{Rails.env}_thing", "#{Rails.env}_otherthing"], {include_blank: true})
=file_field :post, :image
%button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block{:type => "submit"}
="Upload Image"
when it hits the controller action the params are:
{"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"kVf52OKMdkQPte/jA99R33213123210WRklc2uMhGdM=", "app"=>{"app"=>"development_thing"}, "post"=>{"image"=>"picture.png"}, "html"=>{"multipart"=>"true"}, "action"=>"create", "controller"=>"images"}
What I really want though is the full path of that image file. How would I get that? So if I uploaded from my desktop it would be "/Users/bob/desktop/picture.png"
You can't get the fullpath of file via input type 'file'. Browser will not allow it. Its a security feature in all modern browsers.
In chrome u will get
while in mozilla u only get filename
you can find lots of other question related to this. see