Search code examples

How can I find the real size of my C++ class?

I'm working on a homework assignment in which I'm required to use char arrays instead of strings and qsort/bsearch. In my call to bsearch below, I know I'm passing the wrong size of Entry, but I'm not sure how to get the real size, and my compareEntries function is therefore not finding the right objects.

Can anyone help me understand what I'm missing?

#include  <iostream>

using  namespace  std;

typedef Entry*  EntryPtr;
class  Dictionary
    public  :
        Dictionary( const char  *filename );
        const char  *lookupDefinition( const char  *word );

    private  :
        int m_numEntries;
        EntryPtr *m_entries;
        static int compareEntries(const void *leftSide, const void *rightSide);

int Dictionary::compareEntries(const void *leftSide, const void *rightSide)
    EntryPtr lside = (EntryPtr) leftSide;
    EntryPtr rside = (EntryPtr) rightSide;

    return strcmp(lside->Word, rside->Word);

const char *Dictionary::lookupDefinition(const char *word)
    if (m_numEntries == 0)
        return 0;

    EntryPtr result = (EntryPtr) bsearch(word, m_entries, 
        m_numEntries, sizeof(m_entries[0]), Dictionary::compareEntries);

    return result->Definition;

class Entry
                Entry(const char *line);
                char *Word;
                char *Definition;

int  main()
    Dictionary  dict( "C:\\path\\file.txt" );
    return  0;


  • Why doesn't sizeof(Entry) work?

    Changed again -- I think the size should be the size of the pointer....

    EntryPtr tmp = new Entry("");
    tmp->Word = word;
    EntryPtr result = (EntryPtr) bsearch(tmp, m_entries, 
            m_numEntries, sizeof(EntryPtr), Dictionary::compareEntries);