A method with multiple returns
def savings_for(id)
payments = Payment.user_of(id).all
savings = 0
num = 0
payments.each do |payment|
item = Item.find(payment.id)
num = num+1
savings += item.price
return savings, num
I´m using this helper in a view. Like this
<p>You´ve save <b><%=savings_for(current_user)%>$</b></p>
But I don´t know how render correctly:
You´ve save [#<BigDecimal:108289ca0,'0.13E3',9(27)>, 3]$
Update: Changed the return method:
return "<b>#{savings}€</b> en #{num}"
How i can render the html bold tag?
So, a helper method that is supposed to return something to render on a page, should return a string, not an array of multiple values.
You should decide yourself how you want the multiple values to display. How do you want them to display? Maybe just separated by a comma? Okay, so format it like that yourself inside the helper method:
return "#{savings}, #{num}"
updated answer for updated question
Update: Changed the return method:
return "<b>#{savings}€</b> en #{num}"
How i can render the html bold tag?
I'd do this:
def render_savings_for(savings, num)
content_tag("b", "#{savings}€"),
" en ",
Writing your own html-rendering helpers can look a bit confusing, but there are really just a few simple concepts around html safety to understand. I've previously tried to explain some of them here: https://bibwild.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/you-never-want-to-call-html_safe-in-a-rails-template/
Another alternative would be using a view partial instead of a helper method, which wouldn't require you to pay attention to html_safety tricks it would just take care of it for you, but for something this simple I think a helper method is simpler.
Next, you're going to start asking about i18n... make a new question! :)