I'm using flask with jinja.
I know that you can define a base page template with multiple placeholder blocks:
[ standard meta tags, etc go here ]
{% block css %}{% endblock %}
[ standard page header goes here ]
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
[ standard page footer goes here ]
{% block javascript %}{% endblock %}
And I know that you can define a macro with a single placeholder:
{% macro dialog() %}
<div class="dialog">
[ standard dialog header ]
{{ caller() }}
{% endmacro %}
{% call dialog() %}
<div class="log-in">
Log in or sign up! (etc.)
{% endcall %}
But is it possible to define a macro with multiple placeholder blocks?
No, you can't. While you can pass several parameters to the macro, only one caller
can exist. You can nevertheless pass a parameter back from your macro to the calling context and simulate your desired behavior like this:
{% macro twoblocks()%}
<div class="content-a">
{{ caller(True) }}
<div class="content-b">
{{ caller(False) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% call(isA) twoblocks() %}
{% if isA %}
A content
{% else %}
B content
{% endif %}
{% endcall %}