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How to append child page in Phundament 3?

I'm just get started with phundament following the instructions on the home page.

Create Child Page Go to your index page. Click Append Child Page in the top menu. Select Main Layout and save.

I expected to find the parent id page in the Tree Parent combo box, but there is undefined. I see in URL [tree_parent_id]=2 which is not assigned to Tree Parent.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. Login as admin /admin
  3. Go to
  4. Create a page
  5. Try to create child page with the green button with plus sign on the right side with tool-tip "Append Child Page"


  • To append child page in phundament with p3pages ver. 0.17.3 the new page and the parent page should be in same "Access Domain" / language.

    Steps to reproduce:

    Steps 1 to 3 are same as above.

    4.Create a page and set "Access Domain" / language

    5.Try to create child page with the green button with plus sign on the right side with tool-tip "Append Child Page"

    Now you should see the parent name page in the "Tree Parent" combo box.

    You can also upgrade to p3pages ver. 0.17.4 via composer when a parent page may be in the same language or "All languages".

    In the root of your phundament installation just type

    composer require "phundament/p3pages"

    Then composer will asks for version

    Please provide a version constraint for the phundament/p3pages requirement:



    and you should see something like the bellow

    ./composer.json has been updated


    Upgrading packages...

    Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev)

    • Removing phundament/p3pages (0.17.3)
    • Installing phundament/p3pages (0.17.4) Downloading: 100%

    Writing lock file Generating autoload files composer.callback: post-update