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How to get an existing range name from an Excel worksheet using c# Excel.Interop?

I am working with a very large worksheet that has many named ranges. I expect that the worksheet will be modified in the future, so I cannot interact with cells using their cell number.

How can I get an existing name (or list of the existing names) from the worksheet? Alternatively, how can I tell my C# program that a certain name already exists, and to utilize it?


  • You'll want to use Excel.Worksheet.Names

    foreach (Excel.Worksheet sheet in wb.Sheets) {
        foreach (Excel.Range range in sheet.Names) {
            // this is the named ranges


    If you were to use EPPlus, you could do this (very simple)

        static void Main(string[] args) {
            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\bblack\Test\TestWorksheet.xlsx", FileMode.Append))  {
                using (ExcelPackage xl = new ExcelPackage(stream)) {
                    // xl by default contains one workbook;
                    bool test;
                    foreach (ExcelWorksheet sheet in xl.Workbook.Worksheets) {
                        test = NamedRangeExists("NamedRange", sheet);
        static bool NamedRangeExists(string name, ExcelWorksheet ws) {
            return ws.Names.Where(n => n.Name == name).Count() > 0;

    That would open up the specified file, iterate through the sheets contained in the workbook and check for a named range within them called "NamedRange".