Search code examples

How Do I Parse JSON Return From ColdFusion CFC?

I've simplified this code for the ease of explanation.

I have a cfm page where the user clicks on a table row and gets an ID. I want to send that ID to a CFC, run a query there, and return the results back to the cfm page.

Here's what the JQuery looks like.

    url: "test.cfc?method=testFunction",
    data: {ID:123456},
    success: function(response) {

and here's what the cfc looks like.

    <cffunction name="testFunction" access="remote" returnType="query" returnFormat="JSON">
           <cfquery name="testQuery" datasource="x">
                Select ID, NAME
                From Table
                Where ID = '#url.ID#'   

            <cfreturn testQuery>


<cffunction name="testFunction" access="remote">
    <cfquery name="testQuery" datasource="x">
                Select ID, NAME
                From Table
                Where ID = '#url.ID#'   

    <cfset response = [] />

    <cfoutput query="testQuery">
        <cfset obj = {
            "ID" = ID,
            "NAME" = NAME               
         } />
        <cfset arrayAppend(response, obj) />

    <cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="Yes"> 

    <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="No" showdebugoutput="No">

As the success function in the ajax call on top shows, div1 will be populated with the JSON response, which looks like this.




Next I want to be able to use and output the data from that JSON response somewhere on my page. How can I do that? I'm having a hard time understanding parsing this data. My main concern is to get this data out of the array format so I can output it into form fields in my page.


  • I figured out the best way to do this.

    1. Have the cfc return the query results with braces only and not an array with brackets.

          <cffunction name="testFunction" access="remote">
               <cfquery name="testQuery" datasource="x">
                   Select ID, NAME
                   From Table
                   Where ID = '#url.ID#'   
          <cfoutput query="testQuery">
              <cfset obj = {
                  "ID" = ID,
                  "NAME" = NAME               
               } />
          <cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="Yes"> 
          <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="No" showdebugoutput="No">
      1. The JQuery looks like this

        $.ajax ({
            //location of the cfc
            url: "test.cfc",
            //function name and url variables to send
            data: {method:'functioname', ID:ID},
            //function run on success can the returned json object and split it out each field to a form field.  Here I'm just showing one field in the alert.
            success: function(obj) {
                 var parsedjson = $.parseJSON(obj);