I'm trying to validate incoming JSON using the Required attribute on a model that contains phone numbers. There are two phone number properties, a Primary (required) and Alternate. For the Alternate, I want an empty string to be valid, but strings between 1 and 9 characters and more than 30 characters to be invalid. This does not work:
public class PhoneCreateModel
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false,
ErrorMessageResourceName = "PrimaryPhoneNumberRequired",
ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(DataAnnotationMessage))]
[StringLength(30, MinimumLength = 10,
ErrorMessageResourceName = "PrimaryPhoneNumberFormat",
ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(DataAnnotationMessage))]
public string Primary { get; set; }
[StringLength(30, MinimumLength = 10,
ErrorMessageResourceName = "AlternatePhoneNumberFormat",
ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(DataAnnotationMessage))]
public string Alternate { get; set; }
... because it doesn't allow Alternate to be an empty string. How can I allow it to be an empty string OR between 10-30 characters?
You can implement your own validation attribute. It is easier than it seems, just make a class which extends ValidationAttribute
, and implement your logic in IsValid
Here's an example: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/abhikumarvatsa/custom-data-annotations-or-custom-validation-attributes-in-m/