I have some code in an angular controller:
user is an angular $resource which returns a promise when the get method is called.
$scope.credentials = {
var currentUser = {};
$scope.login = function(callback){
$scope.currentUser = user;
return cb ? cb(user) : user;
throw "LoginError";
I'm trying to test whether it throws the error or not with jasmine like so:
But this error is thrown:
Expected function to throw an exception.
I have tested the acceptance of the promise, which works as expected, but i'm assuming theres some asynchronous aspect that i'm not able to deal with.
I also tried calling passing in and calling done() but that didn't work either.
I am mocking out my backend like so:
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
successCallback = jasmine.createSpy();
errorCallback = jasmine.createSpy();
scope = $rootScope.$new();
controller = $controller('LoginController',{
Note that my other tests do work, I have tried other scenarios where the server returns 200 and a user and everything works. I am specifically testing whether $scope.login() throws an error when it receives a server error.
You need to setup your $httpBackend to mock the response of your resource. You then need to flush these results so you have control over when they resolve.
I put together a quick example of your scenario for you on plunker.
The relevant spec file. http://embed.plnkr.co/lnWaS1lyJja56Zh1STyl/appSpec.js
Snippet at a glance:
.respond(500, 'error');
//Initiate request by calling your api/resource