I saw some related questions. But I was not getting what exactly I was looking for. Sorry, if this turns out to be a silly request. Hopefully, I am having this specific query:
So I am trying to make a ReST API with MySQL database. I am trying to read data from a table which is basically pulling out the valid email addresses of the users. The output is going to be displayed on a HTML page.
temp = blabla@example.com
temp = ESAPI.encoder().canonicalize(temp);
temp = ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML(temp);
OUTPUT: temp = blabla@gmail.com
How can I avoid this from happening? and get blabla@email.com
I think the behavior here is as expected. But I just wanted to know if there is a work around other can Conditional Handling (if..else) Also, what if someone can point me to the reasoning behind some of design choices for ESAPI. I t should be interesting read.
If you can truly trust what's coming from your database, you don't need to perform canonicalize. If you know your data isn't going to be used by a browser, don't encode for HTML. If however you suspect your data will be used by a browser, encode it, have the caller deal with the results. If that's deemed unacceptable, expose an "unsafe" version of your webservice, one whose URL will explicitly use warning words to flag as "potentially malicious," forcing your caller to be aware that they're engaging in unsafe activity.
Well first, according to your use-case, you're essentially providing data to a calling client. My first instinct upon reading your question is that I don't think you're comfortable with your data contexts.
So, typically you're going to see a call to canonicalize()
when you need safe data to perform validation against. So, the first questions to ask are these:
q1: Can I trust the data coming from my database?
Guidelines for q1: If the data is appropriately validated and neutralized, say by using a call to ESAPI.validator().getValidInput( args );
by the process that stores the data, then the application will store a safe email string into the database. If you can provably trust your input data at this point, it should be completely safe for you to not canonicalize your output as you're doing here.
If however, you cannot trust the data at this point, then you're in a scenario where before you pass along data to a downstream system, you'll need to validate it. A call to ESAPI.validator().getValidInput( args );
will BOTH canonicalize the input and ensure that its a valid email address. However this comes with the baggage that your caller is going to have to properly transform the neutralized input, which according to your question is what you want to avoid.
If you want to send safe data downstream, and you cannot defensibly trust your data source, you have no choice but to send safe data to your caller and have them work with it on their end--except perhaps to expose an unsafe method, which I will discuss shortly.
q2: Will browsers be used to consume my data?
Guidelines for q2: the encoder.encodeForHTML()
method is designed to neutralize browser interpretation. Since you're talking about RESTful web services, I don't understand why you think you need to use it, because a browser should correctly interpret blabla@gmail.com
to the correct canonical form--unless perhaps its being correctly trapped as a data element, such as in a dropdown box. But this is something I'm guessing you have NO control over?
As you can now tell, there are no fast answers to questions like this. You have to have some idea of how the data will be used by your caller. Since you have the possibility of having your data treated correctly as data by the browser, and the possibility of the data treated as code, you might be forced to offer a "safe" and "unsafe" call to retrieve your data, assuming that you have no control over how the client uses your service. That puts you in a bad spot, because a lazy caller might simply only ever use the unsafe version. When this happens in my industry, I'll usually make it so that the URL to call for an unsafe function looks something like mywebservice.com/unSafeNonPCICompliantMethod
or something similar, so that you force your caller to explicitly accept the risk. If its being used in the correct context on the browser... the unsafe method might actually be safe. You just won't know.