I wrote a program in x64 assembly to replace a string's lower-case letters with stars. The assembly procedure is called from a C++ program and receives an array of chars. The similar logic applied for x86 worked (the difference being registers used etc.), but now the string remains unaltered when built for x64. I use Debian Linux and nasm
section .text
global func
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
; zadanie jako takie
mov rax, QWORD [rbp+8]
cmp BYTE [rax], 97
jl increment
cmp BYTE [rax], 122
jg increment
mov BYTE [rax], 42
add rax, 1
cmp BYTE [rax], 0
jne loop
mov rax, 0 ;return 0
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
It is called from the following C++ program:
#include <stdio.h>
#define LENGTH 1024
extern "C" int func(char *a);
int main(void)
int result;
char text[LENGTH];
printf( "Write some string\n" );
fgets( text, LENGTH -1, stdin );
printf("String: %s\n", text);
printf("String: %s\n", text);
return 0;
If necessary, here's the makefile
all : asm cc link
asm :
$(ASMBIN) -o func.o -f elf64 -l func.lst func.asm
cc :
$(CC) -m64 -c -g -O0 main.cc
link :
$(CC) -m64 -o test -lstdc++ main.o func.o
clean :
rm *.o
rm test
rm errors.txt
rm func.lst
Additionally, any resources for porting from x86 to x64 would be appreciated.
The reason the program does not work is the different calling convention in x64. See: link for reference. The address of the string array wasn't passed on a stack, as it would be the case of x86, but stored in the rdi register. Therefore the solution is to change the instruction loading the array address into:
mov rax, rdi