I would like to search Yelp API for restaurants by category. However, the keyword I use gets me an invalid error. Here's what I mean:
Using Python code (search.py) from: https://github.com/Yelp/yelp-api/tree/master/v2/python
I have the following query:
python search.py --consumer_key=XXX --consumer_secret=XXXX \
--token=XXX --token_secret=XXX --location="sf" --term="restaurants" --category='Indian'
I get the following error:
"error": {
"field": "category_filter",
"text": "One or more parameters are invalid in request"
Could you show me the correct query for category to make this work? Please note that when I remove the --category keyword, the query works.
Use the category identifier "indpak"
see: http://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/category_list http://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v2/search_api#searchGP