I'm looking for a quote from the Stadard described the following behavior:
The following rule is for conversion-type-id
lookup (3.4.6/7):
If the id-expression is a conversion-function-id, its conversion-type-id is first looked up in the class of the object expression and the name, if found, is used. Otherwise it is looked up in the context of the entire postfix-expression.
Consider the following example:
#include <iostream>
class J{ public: static const char a = 'j'; };
typedef J Y;
class C
operator Y(){ std::cout << Y::a; }
int main()
typedef Y Z;
C *c= new C();
c -> operator Z(); //C::operator Y is invoked
I don't understand that. The quote above doesn't describe that behavior. It describes the lookup for the conversion-type-id
only, but it doesn't describe the conversion-function-id
What is the lookup rule for conversion-function-id
If a conversion-function-id is explicitly used, as in the example's expression c->operator Z()
, the lookup rules are the same as for any other class member. The one trick there is the definition from section 3 paragraph 8:
Two names are the same if
they are identifiers composed of the same character sequence, or
they are operator-function-ids formed with the same operator, or
they are conversion-function-ids formed with the same type, or
they are template-ids that refer to the same class or function, or
they are the names of literal operators formed with the same literal suffix identifier.
The third option here is why the name operator Z
used in the expression finds the class member C::operator Y()
. It is a member in the accessed class with the same name as the expression's conversion-function-id.