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How to set up Node HTTPS on Appfog

The way the appfog documentation reads is that as long as you use their provided domain you will get free SSL.

But as far as I understand things you need a .KEY and a .CERT file in order for NodeJS to start a https server.

Am I missing something or do they really only support https on custom domains...?

Thanks gals and guys!

Appfog Documentation in question:


  • You can use https right away with their provided domain name, e.g., When using their provided domain name, then AppFog handles SSL termination so your app doesn't need to do anything.

    Also, if you need to know the protocol that was used on the request, then you can look at the X-Forwarded-Proto header that is added by AppFog during routing.

    The info for SSL for Custom Domains is for when you are using your own custom domains. Then you will need to go through more setup, ssl certs, etc.