Consider the following examples:
f x = x
g y = f 'A'
GHC infers f :: a -> a
f x = const x g
g y = f 'A'
Now GHC infers f :: Char -> Char
, even though the type could be a -> a
just in the previous case.
data FullTree a = Leaf | Bin a (FullTree (a, a))
size :: FullTree a -> Int
size Leaf = 0
size (Bin _ t) = 1 + 2 * size t
Here GHC isn't able to infer the type of size
, unless its explicit type is given.
So it seems that Haskell (GHC) doesn't use polymorphic recursion (as described in Alan Mycroft: Polymorphic type schemes and recursive definitions), because it can't infer polymorphic types in examples 2 and 3. But in the first case it correctly infers the most general type of f
. What is the exact procedure? Does GHC analyse the dependencies of expressions, groups them together (like f
and g
in the second example) and uses monomorphic recursion type inference on these groups?
Does GHC analyse the dependencies of expressions, groups them together (like f and g in the second example) and uses monomorphic recursion type inference on these groups?
Yes, exactly this happens. The Haskell 2010 report has a section on the topic.